6 Tips To Get Better Photos Of Your Kids | Rachel Ezzo, Child and Family Photographer, Baton Rouge, LA


1. Look for the LIGHT.

The light is the most important element to me when I am shooting! Look and see where the light is. If you are indoors, place the kids next to a window or door where natural light comes streaming in. Turn off all indoor lights, and avoid using a flash. Artificial light casts weird orange hues and you do not want that in your photo. Place the kids where the light hits them, do not try and shoot into the light...if you do, you will see your background light up and your kids look very dark. You want them to be facing the light, and your back or side to the light as you take the photo. If you are outdoors during the day taking photos...find the shade! Taking photos in direct sunlight leaves everyone squinting! Best time to take outdoor photos is about an hour before sunset (my personal favorite!)

2. Don't tell them to say "Cheese."

Don't tell them to say cheese unless you want them to look like they smell something unpleasant. It will give your kids unnatural faces, and that is not what you want. You want to capture your kiddos having fun, being silly, and those natural belly-laugh type of smiles! Catch them in mid giggle and if they aren't giggling then make them giggle... =)

which brings me to my next point...


3. Have fun! 

No one likes to smile on demand, but if something is funny we smile without hesitation! You know what makes them laugh more than anyone else! Sometimes, you may just have to start playing with them first, and then take the photo when they aren't expecting it! 

4. If they don't smile. It's ok. 

Sometimes the candid looks our kids give us are better than the photo we were trying to get. Catch them in their element.


5. Get on their level and then....get even closer. 

Take a few steps closer than you normally would, the next time you take a picture. Then get on the same level as the kids...get on the ground with them!  Get close, and notice the small details on their little faces. The freckles, the length of their lashes, their dimples, the color specs in their eyes. Or focus on small details you will forget later...like the dirtiness of those little toes from constant play. 


6. They don't have to be looking or even facing you for a sweet picture. Capture them being kids..


I hope that helps!!  If you would rather leave the photography to someone else... I would love to work with you! Take advantage of my Summer Mini Sessions for the next few weeks, only! Contact me at rachelezzo@yahoo.com for more details or to book =) 

Summer Mini Sessions: $150

  • 30  minute session
  • Copy of all digital files from your session
  • Print release

Landry Family | Rachel Ezzo, Child and Family Photographer, Baton Rouge, LA


"Mom and Me" Contest Winners| Rachel Ezzo, Child and Family Photographer, Baton Rouge, LA